Friday, May 25, 2012

Now that our team for the Galilee Prehistory Project is set, we wanted to share some information, plans and schedules for the 2012 field season at Marj Rabba. 

CH on the ladder assisted by EH and LM
 We will be 24 people, a perfect size for our project goals this summer (our largest team ever!). Our group includes high school students, undergraduates from a variety of universities, people from as far away as New Zealand, graduate students, recent PhDs, specialists, and old people (the directors).

What are our goals this summer? First, we plan to open up a broader excavation area so that the exposure of walls, buildings and other features are maximized. This will allow us to gain some insight into the spatial patterns of the site. At the same time, we hope to remove some architecture, exposed and carefully recorded in previous seasons. Finally, we plan to explore some new areas, and new technologies!

A few important details to keep in mind.  Yorke leaves very soon (Saturday, May 26) for Jordan. During June he will have no phone or email access. But that is no reason for panic! The truly organized person, Morag, will be in Chicago until June 12.